Landscape sculpture: expert opinion

About my style:
These are minimalistic biomorphic forms, which, as a rule, carry esoteric or symbolic content. About love, harmony, development. But if you look even more broadly, then I rank myself among the artists of the Meta-Renaissance. This is a fundamentally new direction that I have been trying to understand and formulate for the last couple of years.
About favorite materials:
I like to experiment and work with those materials that are optimally suited for the implementation of a specific idea. These are composites, and metals, and concrete.
About the features of sculptures for the garden:
Sculpture is the final chord of landscape composition. She appears in the last act, when everything is already prepared for this. Often people do not plan it initially, but in the end they simply do not find a place for it, or do not reach this solemn finale at all. And this is more of a question for landscape designers.
About how to choose and where to place the sculpture:
Landscape sculpture must correspond to the scale and spatial situation, then everything takes on meaning and significance. There is no universal advice here, everyone is individual. But as a general rule, sculpture needs space, air, and ideally a clean background. And you need to choose a sculpture, of course, with your heart.